If you’d like to see my television-based adventures so far (and you’re based in the UK) it is available on the rather brilliant BBC iPlayer.
Dear regulars: you have no idea how hard it’s been to keep this secret. Thank you hugely for your continued visits and your funny, insightful and inspirational comments over the past couple of years.
And for any newcomers: hello. Welcome to my little blog, Just Cook It – pull up a chair and have an explore. To give you an idea of the sort of thing I do, here’s a small selection of some of my favourite posts to get you started:
Five hour steak
Beef short ribs

Momufuku style steamed pork buns
Deep fried pig’s brain

Whipped Chocolate mousse
Instant sponge pudding
Misc. tastiness

Pork Pie
Eccles Cakes
Hot Dogs
Pork Scratchings

New posts may be sporadic over the next few days but if you’re feeling starved, I can be found on twitter at @justcookit. Hope to hear from you soon.
More madness to follow shortly - the Masterchef Quarter Final is on Monday 22nd March at 8:30pm on BBC1.
*grumble grumble* Not only is Masterchef not available for television viewing in the US, but the damned Beeb won't allow video streaming to IPs outside the UK. Looks like I'm going to have to find a good UK proxy...
In other news, there's supposed to be a (heavily bastardized) version of Masterchef coming to the US FOX network, hosted by Gordon Ramsay. Unfortunately, because his contract with FOX apparently contains a clause requiring Ramsay to be an insufferable shrieking twat, I'm not sure I'll be tuning in.
Awesome! Congratulations. And good luck. I just wish the BBC would allow me to watch the footage on iPlayer, but living in Sweden they block me! Damn it.
It's a shame the format of the show doesn't allow for 5 hour cooked ribs etc.
ooh! many congrats, sir! Looking forward to what's to come...
Well done! I am very behind on MasterChef, but have been wondering when someone I know would be on there!
yay go Alex! You're my hero. John Torode LOVED your duck dish, amazing work! Can't wait for Monday...
Wow! Congratulations!
I have only watched Masterchef once and wondered the whole time how people managed to keep their cool under such pressure....
This definitely settles my plans for Monday evening.
Dave - What a shame. Is it not going to get a screening on BBC America? And yet they subjected you to The Restaurant!
Jonathan - Thank you. I have family in Sweden too, my mum is busy compiling a DVD
Thanks Tom
alexthepink - and you only had to wait until the last week of the heats for it to happen
He was quite impressed with it wasn't he? Thanks Saltychickenfiend
Laura - yes, you must tune in on Monday. Hope it goes well!
Hi Alex, I'm just watching last nights episode and I had to look your blog up. FANTASTIC is all I can say - all the very best to you!!!
I looked you up as well after seeing you on Masterchef (the 1st episode of it I've seen). Amazing looking dish. Good luck...
Wow well done and congratulations - that's brilliant - I've been watching a few episodes, but have missed your one - damn - no iplayer for us in Ireland either, I will be sure to tune in this Monday - BEST OF LUCK! I always look theough terrified hands when they are doing their time in the professional kitchen - the horror and the pressure I don't think I could do that. I'm sure you'll go all the way
Jan - thank you, you're very kind.
Thanks Melt, I have a feeling that one is going to be quite popular
Thanks Lu. Shame no iPlayer in Ireland. Long way to go yet but thanks for your optimism. I need those positive thoughts!
Fantastic news! Only picked up on this today and shall be watching Masterchef from now on. Really good luck, knock em dead!! ( I mean that in a non-threatening non-violent sort of way. No Anthony Bourdainesque antics on television please)
Congratulations - I don't think you need luck with your great food and style. Go primetime my friend and just cook it.
Big congratulations, Alex - what a stunning achievement.
Woohoo! Well done Alex! I will go home and iplayer.
Hello Alex,
I saw you on Masterchef and just wanted to say how nice it is to see someone so genuinely passionate about food.
I look forward to checking out your blog!
Best Wishes,
Well done Alex, I've been following your blog for a while, didn't realise you were on Masterchef, so I'll make a date to watch on Monday - Good luck, hope you win!
... Greg Wallace loves you. You can die happy? BTW - you have such a baby face! Do you only post rugged manly pics on your blog?
Hi Alex!
My girlfriend and I saw you on Masterchef the other day and we thought your food looked absolutely amazing - Good luck in the quarter finals, we'll be rooting for you (And reading your blog from now on!)
Well done Alex! That is fantastic. Sadly I can't watch it but hopefully you will progress through to the next rounds so I can see it when I am England after Easter. Good luck!
So I used to read and enjoy your blog regularly (lamb breast from NTTT was a spectacular success) but a computer blow out wiped all bookmarks and I couldn't remember blog name/find you again! Until that is i saw masterchef last week and 'alex, food writer' looked vaguely familiar. A quick internet search brought me back here with loads of back posts to peruse... Will be rooting for you, keep up the fine, fine work.
Scandilicious - There shall be no Bourdainian shenanigans on prime time television, promise. Thank you
Thanks, Rachel - very kind of you to say so
Cheers Ollie
Thanks so much Clare
Cottage Garden Farmer - Thanks for your comments, they're always lovely to read
Foodycat - I didn't realise there was such a difference between my online persona and my TV one. It's not intentional, I promise!
Thanks so much David, really appreciate it. Glad you liked the look of the food, 8:30 tonight...
HH - It should be on the iPlayer by the time you get back to the UK, let me know if you get to see it
Dom - that's such a great little story, thanks so much for letting me know. That lamb breast dish is a real corker isn't it?
CONGRATS MATE! I don't know how you managed to keep that quiet.
Here in the US we have a masterchef thing here starting, with effing Ramsay..
Fingers crossed you make it on to the show. The judges are bloody lunatics if they you don't.
Congrats Alex! I've seen you on two episodes now - following from the Netherlands - and I just love your enthusiasm and the liquid peas :) Just wish I could taste it all. Will be following your blog from now on.
Semi-final! Go you good thing! I can't imagine how you will top that ravioli, it was stonking.
You have learned your lesson about not putting your mystical gels down the sink, haven't you?
Semi-finalist now - well don! Your menu was by far the best - I want to taste that pea-ravioli dish - it looked amazing, plain sailing now straight through to the finals!
Semi finals now! Really well done! ...keep us posted on progress!
I was so thrilled you got through Alex! Can't wait to see what you do next :D
Matt - Suffice to say it was a little tricky to keep the old trap shut! I heard the show is being given the American treatment
Elke - wow, viewers from Holland? That's fantastic! Hope you enjoy the rest of the series.
Thanks Foodycat - lesson very much learnt. I promise.
Thanks, Lu. Fingers crossed - long way to go unfortunately and some serious competition.
Thanks Marv, will do
Thanks so much, Green ink. Semis start on Friday so stay tuned!
Just wanted to say well done for your Masterchef turn. I am a fellow Local Food Advisor blogger and couldn't believe it when I realsied you were "that Alex from Just Cook It! Loving your work and hope you win!
Yay the semi finals!!!
I just know you will win Masterchef 2010 - well done Alex!
I KNEW IT! Oh and good luck ;)
Just watched last night's episode on iPlayer. I knew you'd get through! I'm rooting for you. You're massively talented, creative, and seem like a genuinely nice chap.
Thanks Pippa.
Jan - thanks indeedy
Helen - I think you were the first to make the connection, bravo!
Justin - very kind words, thank you so much
Congrats on winning the quarter final of the British MasterChef! Greetings from Norway!
mmm - your photography's amazing, in particular the Lemon and chilli pepper tart: stunning!
Elin - thank you, all the way from Norway? Wow, brilliant
Thanks Merlotti, it tasted pretty good too!
Hi Alex,
Congratulations on your semi-final place! Have been watching Masterchef religiously (have actually applied myself and am currently waiting to see if i've been chosen for auditions for the next series!) Your cookery is inspiring, unique and innovative and it is a rare quality to see from an amateur in this programme! You really do have raw talent. I myself am currently writing a cookery blog on blogspot aimed at students and novice cooks - as I'm a student i thought it would only be fair to share some useful hints, tips and recipes.
Good luck for the rest of the competition, you deserve to go far - me and my flatmates are rooting for you!
Can't wait until next episode!
I've just discovered your blog, I was too curious to see a bit more about what you're doing. So i'm going to go through your blog!
Gosh you're just divine Alex.
Love your passion for cooking, your creativity and of course that gorgeous smile...
Good luck for Masterchef!
well done Alex! Good luck!
Oh yes...you made it through to the final, well done Alex .
took me a while to realize that it was 'Justcookit' up there on Masterchef.
Well done and hope it all goes your way, you defiantly have the talent .
Hi alex - I live in Brittany, France and have access to English satellite TV for the first time in 8 years. Immediately spotted you on heats of Masterchef and thought at once you would win - hope that prediction comes true. You've re-inspired me to cook properly again, and I'm delighted to find this blog. Best of luck!
Heya Alex!
It's foietruffledisiac from the JO forums, remember (in the blog spot section)?
Well done on MC!
You rose to the challenge and are doing one heck of a job!
What a GREAT feat / experience this is for you!
Whatever the turnout may be, just know that YOU have accomplished LOADS and then some...... :o).
I'm rooting for you!
Power to the knife and spatula!
Well done Alex, Tim and Dhruv. Blooming marvelous! The funny thing is that Doc Tim taught us paediatrics last year....the irony..lol! Who would have thought he was going to hang his stethoscope for a knife lol ;-)Enjoying your blog. Trinty college chaps always do well... ;-)All the best in the cooking world. xox
Hey Alex, Just thought Id let you know how much i've enjoyed watching you on Masterchef! I've loved all your recipes and have been inspired by your creativity. I'm sorry you didnt win as you were my favourite all the way through, but Im sure you'll be going on to bigger and brighter things.
Alex you really inspired me to get my chefs hat on. Had sweet breads for the first time the other night...suprisingly tasty! may have to try your pigs ear recipe soon. I assume I can get these from any local butcher?
Hi Alex,
I'm the girl who ran up to you in Market Square today gushing like a loon, thanks for humouring me whilst I was babbling on! Really lovely to meet you, you were an absolute pleasure to watch on Masterchef!
If you ever fancy coming to cook for us at Girton College, you'd be more than welcome :-)
All the best!
Just watched the finals a few minutes ago (in NZ, that is).
Lovely food! Congrats! There should have been 3 master chefs, really!
Learned a lot. Thanks!!!
PS Did you study in Leeds, in 2004 or 2005? Met someone back then who somehow reminds me of you.
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